
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-03
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摘要:陈光甫(1881~1976)是民国时期著名的金融家、企业家和社会活动家。他一生的成就不仅表现在创办了近代中国经营最成功的银行——上海商业储蓄银行,开办中国现代最大的旅游企业——中国旅行社,更是在中国的现代政治舞台上有着出色的表现。抗日战争期间,为了中华民族的利益,他两度赴美借款,以“效秦庭之哭 ,以求有效”之决心,利用与美国政府官员良好的人际关系和丰富的谈判经验,采用灵活的外交方式,为中国争取到了2500万美元的“桐油贷款”和2000万元的“滇锡贷款”,为中国抗战的胜利提供了资金上的保障,极大地鼓舞了中国人民的抗战士气,打破了中国孤立无援的状态;同时他还担任“贸易调整(工矿、贸易、农产)委员会”和“中、美、英平准基金委员会”主任,为稳定抗战期间的国内金融,平准外汇,维持币制稳定发挥了不小的作用。可以说,陈光甫不仅在民国的银行史上占有一席之地,更是在民国外交史上也留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。




Abstract:Chen Guangfu (1881~1976) is a well-known Chinese financier,entrepreneur and social activist in the modern world .In his whole life ,he successfully established the Shanghai Commercial and Saving Bank and made it one of the most well-managed bank in China .Besides ,he also founded the first travel agency in China----the China Travel Agency .In the same time, Chen played an important role on the stage of politics .In the Anti-Japanese War ,charging for the Chinese people’s interest ,he had been to America twice for the loans .Using his good relationship with the American governors and experienced diplomatic skills , Chen concluded negotiations with the American government for two commercial loans :the “Wood Oil Loan” and the “Tin Loan” ,which he borrowed 25 million and 20 million for the Kuoming government and thus inspired the confidence of defending the enemy ,broke the isolated situation of China ;what’s more ,Chen ,serving as the Chairman of “the Foreign Trade Commission” and “the Chairman of the Stabilization Board of China” during the war ,he had acted an important part in stabilizing the domestic finance ,foreign current and the currency value in that special period of China .Above all ,Chen had his unique place not only in the bank history ,but also in the history of China’s diplomatic .

   This paper will be based on activities of Chen during the year from 1927 to 1948, analyze his whole political attitude and tendency, discuss his dissociating relationship with the Kuoming government, reveal the position of Chen in China. Form the different aspects and views of Chen, this paper will try to put him into the whole society, make great effort to portray the whole struggling life of Mr. Chen and his dedications to modern China and reflect the complicated psychology in capitalists when they made the political choices.

Key words: Chen Guangfu, Kuoming government, attitude analyses


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:本文即就陈光甫在1927年至1948年国民政府时期的各项政治活动,分析其总体态度和政治倾向,探讨陈与国民政府“若即若离”的政治关系,把握陈光甫在国民政府中的地位。通过对陈光甫......
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