
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:娶你,敢嫁么 更新时间:2014-10-05
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关键词:侯景乱东魏; 侯景乱梁; 西魏; 崛起


Abstract:In the sixth year of Zhongdatong in Liang, Northern Wei divided into Eastern Wei and Western Wei. Then the world turned into a pattern of confrontation of three kingdoms . Western Wei,as one of the three kingdoms,gradually developed and growed,which had a close relationship with the rebellions of Hou Jing. The rebellions of Hou Jing included the disdurbance in Eastern Wei and  in Liang. The former made the Eastern Wei be faced with troubles at home and aggression from abroad,which was a favorable development opportunity to Western Wei. While the latter , the disdurbance in Liang, made it be an opportunity to Western Wei invaded Liang. On this basis Western Wei’s strategic position also had been greatly improved, this provide convenient to Western Wei for its further reform objectively. 

Key words:Hou Jing’s disdurbance in Eastern Wei ; Hou Jing’s disdurbance in Liang ; Western Wei; rise

上传会员 娶你,敢嫁么 对本文的描述:侯景为东魏大将,官至河南道大行台,成为当地最高军政长官,且“拥众十万,专制河南”[4],侯景权利的过大引起了高氏政权的猜疑。547年,在高欢临终之时就对自己的儿子高澄说了......
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