
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-14
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关键词:明代  科举  特点


Abstract:To the imperial examination system of Ming Dynasty, it has become a fairly complete system, which is a large selection of talents for Ming Dynasty, so many civilians had been unable to enter the imperial court who have the opportunity to enable them to enter high society. Civilians into the ruling class to the then feudal dynasty brought vitality and fresh thinking, and this is one of the reasons the Ming Dynasty reign a long time. Imperial examination system of Ming Dynasty in comparison with the previous generation has its unique characteristics of the four, these four characteristics are actually around the "objective and fair" of this principle. Allows students to enjoy the same education and receive the same educational content through school education; Examination procedures of layers of screening, allowing civilians to enter the bureaucratic class; For fixed content of the examination, Wen Ju and Wu Ju opened, can select more talents and provide more opportunities for students; Preferential policies for ethnic minorities, it is to ensure that the rights and interests of ethnic minorities, promote ethnic equality and in favor of national unity; Finally, strictly prevent cheating during examinations protect the fairness of examinations to the maximum extent.

Key words  Ming Dynasty  Imperial Examination System  Feature

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:明代学校教育的特点主要有:第一、国子监学生的“历事”,与前代相比,明代国子监生有“历事制度”。于洪武五年创设,当时命国子生于诸司习吏事,就是将国子监生分派到六部、大......
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