
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-14
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关键词 郑和下西洋  新航路开辟  比较


Abstract:During the 15th and 16th centuries,China and Western countries have carried out a large-scale sailing,Zheng He's Voyages and the Opening Of New Sea Routes. Zheng He's Voyages is the miracle of the world's maritime history,but it do not hit historic opportunity. The Opening Of New Sea Routes has opened up for mankind opened a new chapter.There are many reasons for it.In the first place,I believe that the root of the difference lies in the different economic base. At the time of the Ming Dynasty,small-scale peasant is dominated.At the time of the West,it has produced the seeds of capitalism.Secondly,for Zheng He's Voyages,its fundamental purpose is to serve politics.But for The New Route Opens,its fundamental purpose is to serve economy.If you want to add an adjective before them,they can be‘political Zheng He's Voyages’and ‘economy the Opening Of New Sea Routes’.

Key words  Zheng He's Voyages   the Opening Of New Sea Routes    Comparison

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:声势浩大的郑和下西洋,随着明朝的衰落而销声匿迹,但是新航路的开辟却对西欧资本主义的发展甚至对西方的强盛具有深远的积极影响。同样的航海活动,却造成截然不同的结果,不......
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