
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:我爱小小 更新时间:2013-05-30
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【关键词】廉政账户    受贿罪    特别自首   胁从犯


【Abstract】Since the honest account came , which aroused a tremendous repercussion,everyone had different evaluation.However, I suppose it is necessary to study for its soon collapse in succession public opinion.The legal points of Criminal Law points out its own unavailability and the contradiction between the "honest account" and current law.Then I turn to find out the limitation of current legislation,discuss the changeability of current legislation of bribery in a further criminal legislative level.I try to give a proposal of "set up a special surrender" and " Create Rehictant mechanism " .I hope to enhance the legislation of bribery with the condition of a country and difficulties of practice by the legislators.

【Key words】the honest account; bribery crime; special voluntary surrender; Coerced


上传会员 我爱小小 对本文的描述:探讨现今受贿罪立法的可修改性。同时给出“设立特别自首”、“建立胁从犯机制”等的立法建议,希望立法者们能结合中国现有国情,根据实践中产生的问题,进一步完善受贿罪立法......
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