
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:我爱小小 更新时间:2013-05-30
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【关键词】建筑物区分所有权 共有部分 停车场权利归属 新型共有  


【Abstract】Ownership of modern civil law as an important system, has been established by establishment of property law since 2007 and been one of academic attention.Based on the analysis of the total condominium ownership on the part of the legislation current situation, this article will point out the defects, and reference, drawing on a total of some countries define the scope of the legislation,Made part of the legal nature of the total identified as a new total, to exclusion, citing law and there are some constructive ways to determine the scope of the rights vested in the relevant provisions of parking fine, a total of condominium ownership on the part of the system put forward a sound proposal.

【Key words】Condominium; Jointly Owned Parts;Ownership of Parking Space;The new total.


上传会员 我爱小小 对本文的描述:提出将共有部分的法律性质认定为新型共有,以排除法、列举法及推定方式确定共有部分的范围,细化停车场权利归属相关规定,对我国建筑物区分所有权共有部分的制度提出完善建议......
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