
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:我爱小小 更新时间:2013-05-30
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【关键词】控制股东  控制权  滥用  约束机制


【Abstract】Recently there are several cases about listed corporation destroying the laws and regulations malevolently. There are two reasons about this issue. On one hand, based on Principle of good faith, the controlling-shareholders who put up capital in maximum sum in corporation must possess the absolute control power. It is true that the absolute power must result in absolute corruption. So as to the law aspect, we think a complete set of

restrictive mechanism must be established internally. The internal restrictive mechanism means to complete the relevant principle of the controlling shareholders’ honest duty, so as to make the controlling shareholders to behave themselves. The external restrictive mechanism means to facilitate the relevant regulations and law of China, which makes the expense of breach of the law is too high to be afforded.

【Key words】Controlling-shareholders;Control Power;Abuse Restrictive Mechanism


上传会员 我爱小小 对本文的描述:笔者认为,必须建立一套完整的关于控制股东的约束机制。具体而言,可以从两方面同时进行构建:内部约束机制,就是完善控制股东诚实信用原则的相关理论,使得控制股东自觉对其......
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