
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:每日一篇 更新时间:2013-06-27
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关键词:桂柳会战  国民党军  蒋介石



   The Guiliu mass campaign launched in 1944, it was the second biggest mass campaign in the field of Guangxi province. The main battle field was in Guilin and Liuzhou. It was the main components of the Yuxianggui battle. This passage through the background of the campaign, the judgement and dispose of the KMT authorities at the beginning of the campaign, the situation of the KMT defending troops defend at the main battle field and a summary of the KMT authorities to analyze why KMT defending troops failure in this mass campaign and show whether KMT defending troops strive as much as possible in this mass campaign.

Key Words:The mass campaign of Guiliu  KMT defending troops  Jiang Jieshi


上传会员 每日一篇 对本文的描述:通过会战的历史背景,战斗初期国民党政府的会战判断和对战役的部署情况,会战当中主要战场上对国民党守军的防御情况,以及国民党政府对此次会战的总结。试分析国民党守军在此......
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