
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:每日一篇 更新时间:2013-06-27
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关键词:戊戌时期  反缠足  发展  影响



  Foot binding is a woman from his childhood during China's feudal society a unique custom of binding women and that women's physical and mental health of the Vulgar harm, like a stubborn bastion of history, has reached more than a thousand years. In modern times, rapid changes in social structure and the impact of women's liberation movement, accompanied by vigorous wave of Foot movement, the fortress began to shake and eventually collapse. Foot Movement in Modern China has brought liberation to women, it certainly is the history of the women's movement event in a. Qing Dynasty, with the deepening national crisis, the Western theory of natural rights and feminist, said input and social transformation started, the rise of the non-binding movement gradually. Waste ban foot binding, women's liberation in modern China is a sign. Binding Movement during the Reform Movement was initiated by Western missionaries in China and marked the beginning of woman and, following the positive efforts by reformers, quickly became the Reform Movement in a period of refinement to the largest movement, rising to the early 20th century, filled with country. Although it has gone through ups and downs, even to the Japanese War, a considerable part of the urban and rural women is still a soft spot on their feet, but refused to give up. But this is not bound feet of Chinese women's liberation movement in history has had a profound impact.

Key Words:Riverside Cities  Campaign against foot-binding  Developing  influence


上传会员 每日一篇 对本文的描述:主要是在其前人研究的基础上,按时间顺序探讨了古代女子缠足的起源以及晚清社会对缠足的认知和发展,同时对反缠足运动进行考察,从传教士及维新派两方面对缠足陋俗的态度上加......
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