
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-22
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关键词: 罗为垣; 实业救国; 影响


Abstract:Industrial Nation is sociopolitical thoughts which was proposed in China modern history in order to save china by setting up industry. Under the influence of this thoughts, Yunnan patriotic overseas students Luo Weiyuan had step on the road of industrial nation. he had studied in Japan and United States. he not only learnt, referenced and put forward new mining theories and methods, but also did field survey of the mining industry and trained professional talents after returning back to china ,meanwhile, he promoted the modern industrial of FengQing county. Luo Weiyuan’s industry National thoughts make the patriotism was filtered into people’s mind and technological breakthrough. it confirmed sociopolitical thoughts and economical theory of the china modern bourgeois society, promoted the modernization of industries in China. Due to many people like Luo Weiyuan who has lofty ideals had contributed to the formation of the china’s industrial boom, their industrial actions promoted the modernization of industries in China, it also a demonstration of their patriotism.

Key words: Luo weiyuan ; Save Nation by Setting up Industries ; Impact




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:实业救国是中国近代史上主张以兴办实业拯救中国于贫弱之中的社会政治思潮,它产生于洋务运动时期,盛行于辛亥革命和五四运动前后,通过兴办实业来富国御辱是这一思潮的主线。......
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