
资料分类:美术论文 上传会员:武哥 更新时间:2016-01-13
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ABSTRACT:A beautiful butterfly, gorgeous colour and form of choclates, known as the "dancing. Flowers. Remember in childhood, grandpa planted a yard wide jasmine, whenever spring, jasmine charming fragrance attracted many butterfly. These beautiful butterfly for garden, added many color is my favorite.

So in the graduation, I choose butterfly as shown. In order to make this work in the tradition of innovation, based on my first in the composition of innovation, have broken the traditional way of composition, main content that naturally in the direction of various scattered among the white area, set aside. Secondly, I joined in the paint on the use of propylene dye, the color is more colorful pictures. The butterfly is mainly showed in depicting the static, add lighting effects, butterfly vivid images in nature, let viewers like personally, in close to watch these beautiful "flower".

Keywords: Propylene dye, Butterfly, Static

上传会员 武哥 对本文的描述:《憩》是一幅工笔画作品,它向我们描绘了几只蝴蝶散落地分布在画面中,给人以一种自然和谐的美感。蝴蝶有着让人叹为观止的轻盈体态、优美形体、艳丽色彩和变幻莫测的斑纹,在......
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