
资料分类:美术论文 上传会员:武哥 更新时间:2016-01-13
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ABSTRACT:Mud of plasticity and molding process is a sculptor of one of the most concern. Mud features: to impose external forces, in mud to change its internal form without altering its surface mechanism. The sculptor in the creation of the feelings, emotions when, consideration will be given to imposing outside of Flash mud by finger insinuate to mud, and then communicated to the viewers. Different texture effect demonstrated different experience and shock force, reach different authoring purposes. Therefore, the study of skin texture in clay in the creation of expressive, summarize the method of forming Clay skin texture and art law is very rich in clay sculpture and the entire help sculpture on the theory and practice.

Keywords: texture; clay sculpture; interpretation characteristics

上传会员 武哥 对本文的描述:在现实生活中我们在面临生活的不满,此时,我们不想妥协,但社会生存潜规则却不得不让我们无言去面对。大学四年宝贵的时光一去不复返。毕业将近该何去何从苦恼我们。步入社会......
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