
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-27
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关键词:物流外包; 外包风险分析; 风险对策研究


Abstract: With the development of economic globalization and information technology, more and more enterprises tend to choose logistics outsourcing, in order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Outsourcing not only brings economic benefits to the enterprises, but also brings a lot of risks. Facing the outsourcing management risk, information risk, market risk, and financial risk, enterprises should make full use of their own advantages to take a favorable position in the outsourcing market. On the basis of previous writings, this article analyzes the logistics outsourcing risks and outsourcing risk factors, and pointed out the possible problems of logistics outsourcing and proposed some countermeasures for logistics outsourcing risks.

Key words: Logistics outsourcing; the outsourcing risk analysis; risk countermeasures



上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:面对物流外包的管理风险、信息风险、市场风险、财务风险企业要充分利用自身的优势在外包市场中占据有利地位。在研究前人著作的基础上,本文对物流外包风险和外包风险形成因素......
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