
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:我不是叫兽 更新时间:2014-03-15
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关键词: 代位追偿原则   法理基础   立法现状   法律限制


Abstract:Insurance subrogation principle is to recover the rights enjoyed by the insure, third party subrogation to exercise the insured liable to the subject matter insured losses result. Insurance subrogation principle is derived the principle of insurance law, the principle of compensation is the product of a combination of the right of subrogation and insurance claims system plays a very important role in the national insurance law. In 2009 the newly revised "Insurance Law", although this principle has been perfect, the relevant provisions are too broad and general, in practice the controversial issues. This paper focuses on insurance subrogation principles of legal basis, legislative status, legal restrictions and analytical thinking to study and explore.

Keywords:Subrogation Principles; Legal Basis; Legislative Situation; Legal Restrictions

上传会员 我不是叫兽 对本文的描述:保险代位追偿原则是损失补偿原则的派生原则。损失补偿原则的“损失”,是指被保险人因保险事故的发生而遭受到的经济损失。损失补偿原则的“补偿”,是指被保险人遭到损失后,......
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