
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:我不是叫兽 更新时间:2014-03-15
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Abstract:With the development of China's insurance industry, given in the evaluation of operating performance standard system has many limitations, no longer able to better serve the insurance industry a comprehensive evaluation , for today's insurance industry. To be more accurate, objective and comprehensive evaluation of the operating performance of insurance companies, this paper introduces the the operating performance standard system, which is consists of ​​finance aspects,, customers aspects, internal operational aspects, learning and development aspects, attempts to combine the status quo of China's insurance industry and performance evaluation of industry characteristics for insurance companies to introduce new ideas.

  This paper introduces the operating performance standard system, which is consists of ​​finance aspects,, customers aspects, internal operational aspects, learning and development aspects. This paper introduces every aspect of the content respectively, analyses which aspects of the evaluation they can put forward to the insurance companies, in addition, how they constitute a system. Finally, this paper compares the new operating performance standards system which consists of these four indicators raised above to the traditional operating performance, over and above, this paper also finds the insufficient aspect of the traditional business performance.

  At the part of instance analysis, using SPSS as a tool, applying principal component analysis method to analyze the operating data of several insurance companies in 2011, and in the calculation of the results given in all aspects of the evaluation.

KEY WORDS: Insurance Companies, Business Performance, Principal Component Analysis, Balanced Score Card (BSC)

上传会员 我不是叫兽 对本文的描述:经营绩效是保险公司综合实力的体现,外在压力和内在动力都迫切要求我国保险公司加强自身管理,提高经营绩效,而经营绩效的评价指标较难量化。因此,能否科学合理地衡量保险公......
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