
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-25
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关键词:服务贸易 美国 服务贸易模式 服务贸易特征 竞争力


ABSTRCT:There has been a noticeable economic phenomenon since the 20th century 80 years: There was a tendency in the developed country which was leaded by U.S that the economy becomes service-oriented. In recent years, the growth in trade services lasting more than merchandise trade. Trade in services and service industry bring economic growth is a fact, With the continued strengthening of regional economic integration, restructuring of the world economy, the service industry, the development of international investment, which lead to the rapid development of the world economy. For example, the United States is largest third industrial nation in the world, Its services industry accounts for 80% of GDP, After the establishment of the WTO, the importance of service industries gradually came to prominence, and the development of service trade can make the movement national of national people, communication of the talented people, and also can promote the development of economic, Therefore, the countries are developing the trade service to develop the their own countries. As the large number of our country, the large gap between the rich and the poor and other factors, the service industry is still in the beginning of growth, there are many shortages in the constitution, structure, scale and international competitiveness, we need to learn the advantages of trade in services from the United States and other developed countries to improve our international competitiveness.

Keywords: trade in service; U.S service trade; competitiveness; characteristics of trade in service

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:我国仍然处在发展中国家的阶段,与货物贸易水平相比,服务贸易发展水平尚存在较大的差距。而当今服务业已逐渐成为世界经济发展的重心,我国由于自身服务贸易结构并不完善,因......
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