
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-04
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关键词: 经济全球化,跨国经营,海尔集团,启示


Abstract:The current world economy, major trends and characteristics of economic globalization. The main driving force of economic globalization is the transnational business activities, namely transnational corporations in the global allocation of economic resources within the process. The formation and development of multinational companies to promote the process of economic globalization, and economic globalization, in turn, promote the further development of transnational corporations. The gradual formation of economic globalization system, promoting the enterprises engaged in international operations, multinational operations onto the road.

This brief summary of economic globalization and multinational Haier Group, the history and characteristics of operation, and use it as the blueprint of China's enterprises to go in China, Haier Group, the actual combined to explore the environment of economic globalization, China transnational business enterprise development approach.

Key Words:Economic globalization, transnational business, Haier Group, Revelation


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:本文简要概括经济全球化下海尔集团跨国经营的历程和特点,并以此为蓝本浅析对我国企业“走出去”的启示,结合海尔集团的实际,探索在经济全球化的大环境下,我国企业发展跨国......
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