
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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Abstract:As a rare Chinese traditional medicine, sanqi (panax notoginseng) can cure various of bleeding the tumors, injuries and diseases and so on in hundreds of years ago. Sanqi is a rare medicinal herb which was written into history. Modern research also found that, sanqi can not only cure the variety of diseases, but also can slow the aging, increase our body immunity, it has good function for human health care.. Sanqi  as the endemic plant of China, it is mainly produced in Yunnan province. Wensan produces the genuine sanqi in yunnan province, and the products of sanqi in wensan yield over 95% of the whole country.

   Due to various reasons, the prices of sanqi are going up. In order to make more profit, many farmers surrounding Gejiu began to plant sanqi in a large-scale. First, this paper introduces the rare medicinal herb sanqi and the development of the products sanqi in Yunnan province. Second, analyzes the risks of growing sanqi  from two aspects. On the one hand how much cost does the local farmers invest? On the other hand the factors that influence the price of sanqi. Finally, the writer will give some helpful suggestion in view of risk of planting sanqi.

Keywords: GeJiu; Sanqi; The price; The cost ; The risk


上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:近两年,由于多方面的原因使三七的价格大幅度上涨,在巨大的利益诱惑之下,个旧市周边的很多农民开始大规模的种植三七。本文首先简单介绍了三七和云南省三七业的发展状况。然......
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