
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:萌妹 更新时间:2014-03-10
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关键词:被问责官员; 复出; 机制; 责任


Abstract :Be accountabilited officials’quietly re-emergence to politics has constituted a great threat to our newly built official accountability and made its authority challenged and destructed.To perfect our re-emergence mechanism for principal officials as soon as possible has become an urgent task at current.This paper analyzed the problems and its harm during the process of be accountabilitied officials’quietly re-emergence. With the purpose of perfecting the routing selection for accountability officials’return. At present there still lack of legal basis for principal officials to return.It’s on policy oriented,but still havn’t  form a unified legal system. This paper pointed out that perfecting the re-emergence mechanism for accountability officials helps administration accountability system play its role. Ensuring the citizen the right to know and supervise, promoting construction of the rule of law in our country and also reflects political ideas and systems reason.

Key words:responsibility officier;re-emergence;mechanism;responsibility 




上传会员 萌妹 对本文的描述:本文从被问责官员复出缺乏公开透明、相关法律制度的缺失以及公众的知情权没有得到应有的尊重等角度分析被问责官员复出过程中存在的问题。从使问责制流于形式、引发对上负责不......
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