
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:萌妹 更新时间:2014-03-10
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【关键词】政务公开 现状 问题 对策


【Abstract】Along with the speeding of political democratization advancement in our country, The public's consciousness for participating and deliberating the governmental affairs have been unceasingly enhancing in recent years. Therefore the governmental affairs open was becoming the hot topic of discussion in these years,"security is a principle and opening is the exception "in the past,but in these days ,It became "opening is principle and security is the exception".And all levels of government has already obtained the huge achievement in opening the government affairs. But because of all kinds of reasons, the township government affairs opening also has all sorts of problems in practice. Therefore, analyzing these problems and finding out some measures is very important. This study mainly includes the following several aspects:Firstly, describing the present situation of the township government affairs open in our country.Secondly, analizing its existence questions and reasons thoroughly. Thirdly, in view of above all sorts of existence questions, put forward the pointed countermeasure proposal. Finally, summarizes the main work which this study does,and will carry on the forecast to the future about our township government affairs open.

【Key words】Political Affairs Open, Current Situation, Problem, Countermeasure 


上传会员 萌妹 对本文的描述:本文以盐城市伍佑镇为对象,进行了调查。本次调查主要采取发放调查问卷、访谈、查找资料等形式,调查对象分别为行政机关工作人员和非行政机关工作人员,调查的主要内容有:(1)人......
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