
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-30
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关键词:大一新生  适应期问题  系统理论  社会工作


ABSTRACT:The university stage is a major turning point in life is young students, the critical period of growth. For the freshman, the initial stage of the first grade is their independent life, is also the slump after their tense high school life to rest. Therefore, to deal well with the problem of freshman adaptability to their university life will play an extremely important role. In order to help freshman smoothly solve adaptive problems, according to the existing freshman enrollment of learning adaptation, interpersonal adaptation, campus environment adaptation, psychological adaptation problems and puzzles, based on system theory as a guide, to explore the social work in university freshmen adapt the service mode, and the other related problems in the process of service the reflected and discussed.

Keywords: freshman;theory of social work;systems theory;the method of social work

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述: 本文主要以问卷调查为主,访谈为辅的形式取得数据和第一手资料,访运用社会统计相关知识统计、分析数据,以系统理论为指导,运用社会工作方法介入大一新生适应性,期望建立一......
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