
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-30
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关键词:进城人群  市民化  社会工作介入


ABSTRACT:This article refers to social work intervention in the social work profession under the guidance of the concept and purpose, Migrant populations for cities' Citizens for analysis and explore different dimensions,And utilization of social work skills and methods to explore the the roles and tasks of social workers of Chinese people .

   Chinese citizens of the city population is an important guarantee for China's urbanization, China's modernization process of major strategic issues.

   However, the public and urbanization are inseparable from the farmers and migrant workers.

   Migrant population,China's household registration system unique to contemporary, the economic and social transformation occurs during a special group. Migrant populations in Chinese society at the bottom, being marginalized, and social work service object that is most vulnerable and most in need of social concern. The overall city population into urban public service system as the core, to promote the city crowd "individuals into the enterprise, children enter school, the family into the community," the goals and plans. In this paper, some areas for the cities of Chongqing migrant population's living conditions and social security situation made ​​questionnaire. Migrant populations in the social work service methods and countermeasures, do a preliminary inquiry. In helping the most needy groups, the social work profession is constantly improving the services and philosophy.

Keywords: Migrant populations ; Citizenship ;Social Work Intervention

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:本文结合问卷调查数据,对大中城市进城人群的生活状态和社会保障现状进行了信息收集。使用的数据来源于“进城人群问卷调查”。立足于调查内容,着重从社会工作专业视角出发,......
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