
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-30
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关键词:政府购买  社会工作  对策


ABSTRACT: Nowadays, social work service has been developed and kept growing because of the increasingly growth of social needs. And with the social work service effect get more obvious, it has attracted the attention of the government. For the need of standardization, the ministry of civil affairs, ministry of finance introduced a special guidance for purchasing social work service when the social work service content is gradually incorporated into the scope of government purchase, which will make the government more development and mature when buying the social work service. Therefore, this paper makes a simple discussion and state on the current situation and counterplan of government purchase in the field of social work service. It mainly related to the definitions of  government purchase, the importance and necessity for the government purchase to be applied social work and the current situation and counterplan of government purchase in the field of social work service. Hope that we can get a better understanding of relationship between the current social work and the government purchase, making a little contribution to perfect the relevant policies, to promote the government purchase develop healthy in the field of social work.

Keywords:government purchase; social work; countermeasure

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:针对当前政府购买深入社会工作领域的状况,以及政府购买与社工机构之间出现的问题与新情况,对政府购买在社会工作领域现状及其对策的研究就显得尤为重要。因为这可以为目前政......
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