
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-30
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关键词:社会工作 政府 购买服务


ABSTRACT: As China's social and economic development, the challenges facing our country and the emergence of more and more problems, but also new forms, the traditional way to solve the problem the government has not fully resolved. Today, the West passed to our social work in solving social problems has its unique approach and philosophy, and achieved certain results. Therefore, our government can be purchased through social work services to solve social management process, such as pension services, disability services and other social problems. 

   Government purchases in foreign social work services started relatively early, more perfect system, but our government is still buying social work services infancy, faces many challenges. Therefore, this paper analyzes the Chinese government purchase of social work services of the main problems, the foreign government to buy the main mode of social work services and to deal with the problems and methods of combining relevant experience abroad feasible suggestions to further promote social transformation, it must deepen our government on the purchase of thinking and understanding of social work services, the introduction and digestion of foreign advanced system culture, social work services for government purchase of standardized management, social work services for government purchases has a positive meaning.

Keywords:Social work ;Government ;procurement of services

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:目前对于政府越社会工作服务组织之间的关系有两种观点,其一是认为政府和社会工作服务组织之间必须有联系,萨瓦斯最早提出政府和社会工作服务组织应该相互合作。国内有学者也......
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