
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-22
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【摘  要】电视的出现带动了电视剧事业的发展,各种类型的电视剧层出不穷,古装剧,言情剧,偶像剧,刑侦剧。而其中的刑侦剧是电视剧类型中比较特殊的一种。现在,刑侦剧已经成为一种比较成熟的类型,大受受众关注。而TVB的刑侦剧是其中的佼佼者,相比较而言,大陆的警匪剧就稍微逊色了一些,没有港剧那么受欢迎,这其中的缘由是提出该论文的出发点。本文通过对TVB与大陆较为典型的两部电视剧《法证先锋》与《重案六组》系列为例,将两者进行对比,从而的出结论。



Abstract: The advent of television led to the development of the drama, the various types of drama appear thick and fast, costume drama, romance drama, drama, Criminal Investigation drama. The last one is a special kind of drama type. Criminal investigation drama has become a more mature type of popular audience concern. Criminal investigation drama of the TVB is one of the best, In comparison, the cops and robbers drama of the continent is a little less. The reason of which is the proposed starting point of the paper. Forensic Heroes and the Case of Six Groups series is the more typical drama of TVB and mainland .This article will compare both as an example in order to draw conclusions.

Key Words: Criminal Investigation Drama;TVB;Forensic Heroes ;the Case of Six Groups

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:本文将就大陆代表性的刑侦剧(如《重案六组》),与香港TVB的《法证先锋》作为案例进行比较,力求分析出TVB刑侦剧与大陆的警匪剧的差距内因,希望有补于大陆刑侦剧的事业发展......
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