
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-22
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关键词:报纸微博;新闻媒体; 现状; 发展前景


Abstract: This article based on the “Yangzi evening news” with two of the “Jinling evening news” metropolitan newspapers, for example. Analysis of newspaper official Micro-blog development present situation, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Study on traditional newspaper how to use microblogging communication platform, expanding its influence, win more audience. At the same time by this article by looking at statistics, Comparison of two major newspapers in the opening number of official Micro-bolg fans, media influence, user awareness of differences, come to reason. On the basis of the final proposed micro-bolg, as well as how to run a newspaper in the business newspaper problems should be paid attention to in the course of official Micro-bolg.

Keywords:Newspaper Micro-bolg; News Media; Actuality; Development Potential

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:不少人对于报纸是“生存还是灭亡”产生了焦虑,报纸的未来究竟在哪里?这已经成为近年来传媒关注与讨论的热点话题。微博这一新的信息传播形态确实给报纸带来了冲击,但更多的......
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