
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:橙子 更新时间:2014-12-05
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摘 要:“90后”员工的时代已经来临,他们将成为劳动力市场的主力军。他们个性张扬、敢于表达、充满朝气,同时,他们又缺少理想和信仰、耐挫能力低、以自我为中心。如何管理“90后”员工,对于促进企业的可持续发展,有着重要意义。文章首先通过界定“90后”员工工作幸福感,了解提升“90后”员工工作幸福感的意义,然后分析“90后”员工工作幸福感的影响因素,最后提出解决方案。



Abstract: The "Post-90"employees' age coming, these employees will become the main force of the labor market. These vigorous people dare to show themselves and voice their own opinions. However, they are in lack of ideals and beliefs, low in frustration tolerance capability and self-centered. In order to advance the sustainable development of enterprises, it is of great importance for them to manage the "post-90" employees. This paper, first, provides the definition of "post-90"employees' job-related happiness and the significance of promoting it. Then the thesis analyses the influencing factors of "post-90"employees' job-related happiness. Finally, some ways to promote it will be put forward.

Key words:"post-90";job-related happiness;business management

上传会员 橙子 对本文的描述:不同的人对于幸福有不同的看法,也就是说幸福感带有很强的主观性。但是对于在同一时代背景下成长起来的某一代人来说,他们对于幸福有着许多共同的看法,正如托尔斯泰说:“不......
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