
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:小九 更新时间:2017-03-15
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Abstract: With the depth of the concept constructing service-oriented government, the public's awareness of requiring the government information publicity has been improved. Since The Government Information Disclosure Regulations of the People's Republic of China had been implemented, the construction of sunshine government has got remarkable achievement. But there are numerous problems, such as old conception, the lack of supervising and reliving system of administration, the lack of legal guarantee etc. Therefore, it is necessary to make local government information serve furthest the public from the aspects of changing concepts, strengthening supervision and improving the legal system.


Key Words: government information disclosure;problem; countermeasure

上传会员 小九 对本文的描述:实践证明,推行基层政府信息公开,有利于实现政府的绩效管理,保障公民的知情权,保障公民参与政府决策和科学管理,进一步提升了政府工作的透明度,抑制了腐败的滋生和职权的......
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