
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:小九 更新时间:2017-03-15
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Abstract: Today's new generation are showing values diversity,  strong sense of self, attention to self-development, lack of flexibility and other psychological characteristics, which exposed some problems in the management of the new generation, such as the traditional concept can not be effectively managed; traditional management cannot help enterprises to establish their own team; traditional compensation can not motivate their enthusiasm; corporate culture cannot retain  talent. This requires enterprises to establish a people-oriented management concept; scientific personality management; perfect incentive pay system; use personalized recruitment, establish a corporate culture and introduction of employee assistance programs.


Key Words: new generation staff;;human resource management;problems;countermeasures

上传会员 小九 对本文的描述:如今新生代迅速崛起,他们普遍呈现价值观多元化、自我意识强烈、自信等特点,传统的企业模式已经不能适应多变的他们。企业需要根据自身发展的需要以及新生代的特点重新制定合......
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