
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-08
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关键词:历史文化保护区  消防设施  保护


Abstract:With the deepening of historical and cultural heritage protection, and social and economic development, historic districts and historic buildings facing the increasing threat of fire, historical and cultural blocks of fire prevention imperative. Through field research and statistical analysis, drums Lane alley south of example, the cause of the fire on the historic districts and fire summarized the current situation, focusing on investigations of the historic district in many gaps. Framework for fire planning in the city system, explore the historic district of the fire planning strategy, proposed a more practical measures, management practices and social measures.

Key Words:Historical and Cultural Protection  District Fire Facilities  Protection


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:通过实地调研和相关资料分析,以南锣鼓巷胡同为例,对历史街区的火灾原因和消防现状进行了归纳,着重调查了历史街区在诸多方面的不足。在城市消防规划的框架体系下,探索历史......
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