
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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Abstract:Enterprise production and operation activities are carried out by people, therefore, it can be considered as the collective body of human beings. Business operations in enterprise make effects when the staffs devote their sweat and tear. The staffs are the most important element of the enterprise's productivity. The problem in business operations is the management of staffs, so which should be put more effort. Modern market competition is from product competition turning to the talent. It is vital to keep the excellent employees so whether the employers implement effective encouraging policy for employees is also important. On the other hand, in such a fast developing society, the occurrence of part-time staffs becomes a necessary and this group is growing fast and playing an important role. However, enterprises pay less attention to them, nor implement the encouraging policy. This paper is going to describe the reason of part-time staffs’ occurrence and its characteristics with analyzing nowadays Chinese enterprises’ encouraging policy and the reasons, so as to raise the proper direction and encouragement for Chinese part-time staffs.

Key words:part-time staff,encouragement,pattern construct


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:兼职员工在当今这个社会发展中的出现成为必然,这一群体的比例也在不断扩大,发挥的作用也越来越大,然而,他们很少受到企业的关注,也没有针对他们的有效的激励方式,本文先......
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