
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-20
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关键词:草根明星  低俗化  原生态


Abstract:The spring festival gala has always been an old topic , while every new gala bringing new problems for us to discuss.Recently,2011’s spring festival gala evening has come to an end,as always, among controversy.Compared with the previous,we can see clearly that the feature of Grass-Roots Culture melted into this evening.Three group of grass-roots stars in different styles staged on the gala. 

  This paper focuses on the discussion of the grass-roots feature in the context of Sping Festival gala. The grass-roots stars, living at the bottom of the society, embody some kind of positive spirit and power, who have also created some cultural phenomena worthy of our attention. since the frist spring festival gala evening in 1983’s,all our civilians looking forward this progarme on cctv in the lunar New Year, which has been attached great importance as the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve.

  Although the annual spring festival gala caused a lot of controversy ,while it is undeniable that she gave the audience a lot of unforgettable memories in this 28 years’.She made a number of buzzwords, many famous stars who are formerly nobody,as well as cultural phenonmena worthy our attention are come from the successive Spring Festival Galas .All of these make the Spring Festival Gala not only a variety show.

KeyWords:star-grass  ulgarization   original




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:“春晚”已经是一个老生常谈的话题了,每年的春晚都有很多值得讨论的地方。2011年央视的“春晚”又一次在众多的争议声中落下了帷幕,相比起历届“春晚”不同的是,今年在整场晚......
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