
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-20
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关键字:音乐元素  综艺节目  《非诚勿扰》


Abstract:On TV variety shows, music is as a special symbols appear, has a strong symbolic meaning, is a variety of potential logo, whenever columns people hear music appeared, a song will associate the image of this column. Music arrangement packing and use directly determine whether proper, is a show the important factors, the success of different themes of the TV variety shows to different music format and packaging, for different variety show will inject a particular life colour. This topic of current through the analysis of the current situation of variety show on TV variety, such programs "blame sincere not faze" music as a starting point, the basic types of music elements from the inherent characteristics of, variety show, music elements with the contents of the programmes of the layout and music performance function of music element four aspects: the importance of the variety show is analyzed. Subject to deeply understand the value of music on a TV show has certain significance to function.

Key word: music element  variety show 《blame sincere not faze》




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:综艺节目是大众所喜欢的,观看综艺节目成了现代人舒缓生活压力的一种方式,所以做好一档适应人们需求的节目,除了注重节目内容的编排外,音乐元素也起着重要的作用。《非诚勿......
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