
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-20
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关键词:内地  动漫电视剧  发展


Abstract:The term animation in mainland China before 1996 and no concept of the unified, the two are separate but interrelated. The emergence and promotion of the word, from the whole of China in 98 years, first going up the first animation information magazine "cartoon time" and therefore the term animation was able to emerge and gradually become deeply rooted among the fans, the terms commonly used in China and animation and comics in general. The animation is from the first term 97 years founded the "Friends of Man" magazine. So, the mainland started late animation, be regarded as emerging industries. China now mainly drama in the form of animation to show the mass, can be summed up in the Mainland TV cartoon is: the development of relatively backward, the potential is huge.

Key words: Mainland   TV animation   development




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本文主要是对内地动漫电视剧的现状和未来发展做了总结和分析,通过与其他国家的对比阐述了自己的观点,但由于资料的原因对比的程度并不广泛比较单一,但内地动漫电视剧的现状......
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