
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-22
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Abstract:After the service economy, the experience economy gradually leads social trends, the experience marketing as a new type of experience economic means also caused. Tourism economy itself is one of the experience economic important performance, it is mainly by experience as a basic products of exchange a profit mode, but also show the experience economy of a platform. The butterfly valley is the most distinctive a tourism products in Maandi township, which is enough to be the grand opera, but with local government and folk organization  to the valley of butterfly tourism the making of the brand and marketing way still not mature, marketing means of a single so that it impacts on the local tourism development seriously, the traditional marketing means already appear behind, so the paper from a new perspective of the experience marketing theory combined with the butterfly valley of tourism brand marketing strategy analysis and exploration, so as to realize the butterfly valley scenic spot of a new development.

Key words: The butterfly valley;Experience;Experiential marketing





上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:旅游品牌的打造和营销方式上还不成熟,营销手段单一以致严重影响了当地旅游业的发展,传统的营销手段已显得落后,因此论文从一个全新的视角结合体验营销理论对中华蝴蝶谷旅游......
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