
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-16
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   本文以80年代、90年代和21世纪前十年的流行歌曲为研究对象,通过立意抽样的方法,并利用SPSS 11.5软件对调查数据进行描述性统计,差异性分析等,研究流行歌曲的特征及历史变迁。从流行歌曲的歌曲主题、歌曲风格、情感特点和表达感情等方面来探究80年代、90年代和21世纪三个历史阶段的流行歌曲的变化,从中体现出青少年流行文化信息化、本土化、原创化及多元化的特点和随着时代的变化由宣扬积极情绪到发泄消极情绪的转变。通过对流行歌曲的特征及历史变迁的研究,可以为更好的了解青少年流行文化提供参考,同时也能够更好地加强对青少年流行文化的形式和内容的引导,建设健康向上的流行文化,有效引导大众传媒,进而优化社会舆论环境。

关键词:青少年流行文化;流行歌曲; 特征; 差异


Abstract:In the 21st century,groups of young people with the economic development and the localization of foreign cultures, learning to accept new things which is becoming the focus of attention. Groups of young people in popular culture also play a decisive influence on young people. Pop music is an important form of popular culture,so we use pop music to further explore the characteristics and influencing factors in this group.    This paper studies pop songs of 1980s, 1990s and 21st century ,through purposive sampling method, and using the SPSS 11.5 software for descriptive statistics on survey data, analysis of differences in the characteristics of popular songs and historical changes. Song theme ,song style, emotional characteristics and expressing their feelings and so on of pop music explore changes three historical stages in the 1980s,the 1990s and the 21st century pop music, which reflect the youth pop culture information, localization, the original and diverse characteristics and to promote positive emotions to vent negative feelings change as times change.Characteristics and historical changes of the pop music can provide a reference for a better understanding of youth popular culture,and can also be better able to strengthen the form and content of popular culture on young people's guide.And at the same time ,it can build a healthy and progressive pop culture, guide the mass media effectively to optimize the social environment of public opinion.

Key words:popular culture among teenagers;pop music;features;differences










上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本研究以流行歌曲方面为切入点,从80年代、90年代以及21世纪以来的阶段性变化中了解青少年流行文化各时期的基本特征以及各种变化,也为了解青少年思想情绪状态提供了经验参考。......
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