
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-20
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ABSTRACT:The market competition is increasingly fierce, the health profession competition is even more fierce, the importance of talent is self-evident, Elects the talent, Good use of talent is the foundation of guaranteeing the hospital sustainable development, is also the key of the hospital whether can have the competitive advantage, But, To attract, to motivate, to develop and retain talent, is a powerful tool for effective payment reform. 

   With the deepening of the reform of the health system, The traditional hospitalpayment system has the impact, Already no longer met the modern hospital market competition need, Hospitals have gradually begun to pay attention to importance of payment. Salary management as an important part of hospital human resource management, Must conform to the present situation of  hospital, must serve the developmental strategy of hospital, Can the greater degree display its drive function, be able to develop the talent and to detain them well. However many hospital's salary management still had some problems that affected the medical staff enthusiasm.To a certain extent.So that the decline in the quality of work, or even bring a serious brain drain.

   This article take the Y hospital as an example, to seek some problems that the public hospital has, and to analyze its reason.From the salary strategy, salary structure, performance management and non-economic salary, To Propose to optimize the recommendations of the y-hospital salary management, the recommendations enhance staff's enthusiasm, So they improve the scientific management of hospital and to improve medical level and quality of medical services in hospital.

Keywords: Public hospital; Medical personnel; Salary management


上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:本文以Y医院为例,寻找目前公立医院存在的一些问题,并分析其原因,力求从薪酬战略、薪酬结构、绩效管理、非经济性报酬等提出优化Y医院薪酬管理的建议提高医务人员的积极性,从......
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