
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-20
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ABSTRACT:Starting a business in college students is becoming a hot topic for the sake of employment difficulty in recent years. Some researches indicate that intention often works well to evaluate behavior. We can study entrepreneur by a research on entrepreneurial intention. However, existing research among college students, mostly copies the methods of entrepreneurs’ behavior to this special group: either measuring the influences of college students' individual variables and environment variables on the entrepreneurial intention, or using a more mature entrepreneurial intention model. Although the two methods worked well in past, it is still necessary to consider seriously that whether they fit college students or not for the limited factors. In fact, college students make a great difference from entrepreneur and other groups in characters, experience, social capital and relationships. Therefore, it is particularly significant to break the limitations of original framework, introduce new perspectives, and explore a new model.

  This paper combines the literature study with paper survey and applies social networks to college students’ entrepreneurial intention, putting forward the model that students’ social network influence their entrepreneurial intention through two factors named “supporting factor” and “strengthening factor”. Finally, the model got well proved as the result of a survey in a university in Wuxi.

Keyword:  Network; Entrepreneurial Intention; Undergraduates; Supporting Factor; Strengthening Factor


上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:结合大学生特有的社会网络运用情况,本文运用文献阅读和问卷调查两种研究方法,从理论和实证两个角度开展大学生社会网络对创业意向影响的研究,提出了大学生社会网络通过支持......
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