
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-05
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Abstract:The difficulties in studying primary school maths mainly results from not only students' inner facts but also exterior facts.By studying some cases and choosing some typical students who have difficulties in studying maths to research and find out the reasons why they cant take maths easy,then take correct teaching measures to remove the students' troubles in studying maths. We also can make full use of successful experience to help students get rid of the difficulties in maths and finally make all students get the biggest development in studying maths.This not only the target we pursue in maths teaching but also the essence request of diathesis education system.

Key words: mathematical learning difficulties students; tracking survey; causes; transformation strategy




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:通过个案研究,选取典型数学学困生进行跟踪调查,找出学习数学困难的原因,采取有针对性的教学措施消除学生在数学学习中的困难。运用成功经验可对其他学困生也进行转化,实现......
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