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资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-08
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关键词:导数 函数 不等式 恒等式 数列求和


Abstracts:The derivative of a milestone in the history of mathematics in the world, many famous domestic and foreign mathematicians in the study of the derivative has achieved fruitful results! Nine Chapters on the Mathematical of derivative ideas mentioned. Secondary school textbooks to increase the knowledge of the derivative, the derivative of the increase brought new vitality to the middle school mathematics. Derivative gradually become a powerful tool to study elementary functions, expand the scope of the ideas and methods of mathematical problem solving, it is not only to solve the extreme value of the function, the most value, monotonicity provides a convenient way, and the inequality to prove the identities proved series summation has a wide range of applications, so that deepen students' understanding of the function problem, and train students to analyze and solve problems, and enrich the diversity of problem-solving methods. Derivative in elementary mathematics, inductive summary of derivative in solving problems usage and skills, as well as various aspects of flexible applications, derivative three-dimensional like the in front of everyone, to better reflect the higher mathematics in the solve elementary mathematical problem among the practicality.

Keywords:Derivative Function Inequality Identity  Several Summation




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:通过对导数解决初等数学方面的研究,归纳总结导数在解题中的用法和技巧,以及各方面的灵活应用,让导数立体般的呈现在大家眼前,更好的体现高等数学在解决初等数学问题当中的......
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