
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-16
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摘要:随着办公条件的日益改善,办公自动化越来越被广大企业所接受,企业文秘人员也从办公自动化的普及中受益匪浅,使自身工作性质从办公室的文书人员,逐步提升到管理者助理。 本文从办公室自动化的含义,及其优缺点和面临的挑战,结合秘书人员的知识结构和工作环境,探讨新时期秘书人员对待办公自动化的正确方法,并及时掌握相应的办公自动化技能,以提升自己的办公自动化能力。

关键词:企业秘书; 办公自动化; 挑战; 能力; 效率


Abstract:With the increasing improvement of office conditions, more and more office automation have be accepted by the enterprise, enterprise secretarial staff from the popularity of office  automation, have benefited greatly from the nature of the work and make their own office documents personnel, gradually ascending to manager assistant. This article from the meaning of office automation, and their advantages, disadvantages and challenges, combining the secretarial staff knowledge structure and working environment, explore new period secretarial staff the correct way of treating office automation, and promptly master corresponding office automation skills, and to enhance their office automation capability. 

Key words:Secretary; automation; challenge; capability; efficiency




上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:企业在依据自身需要的前提下加大了对办公自动化投入,从专业设备的配备到相应人才的选拔录用,都是保证企业实现办公室自动化的关键所在。本文将从办公室自动化的含义,及优缺......
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