
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-16
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关键词:秘书 心理障碍 调适


Abstract:Modern society, life continues to accelerate the pace and the pace of work, it is subject to a substantial increase in a variety of exciting. Secretarial staff, as the level of socialization in modern society and people with higher social status, work difficulties and contradictions frustration more than most people, psychological pressure even greater. Without attention to be adjusted, it will cause psychological disorders and even lead to mental illness, led to a number of psychological barriers. The performance of the Secretary of the psychological barrier, causes, and proposed mitigation of harm to the psychological pressure of Secretaries of measures to address the psychological problems, on the Secretary of the activity has a practical significance and practical value. Secretary of the psychological barriers of performance is multifaceted, its causes are their own and environmental factors. Psychological barrier to prevent the formation of its own secretarial staff should be made clear the role of establishing the correct values, to develop good physical and mental qualities, enhance their capacity and enhance human communication.

Key words:  secretary   psychological disorder    psychological adjustment





上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:对秘书心理障碍的表现、成因、危害加以分析并提出缓解秘书人员的心理压力的措施、解决心理障碍问题的办法,对秘书活动具有一定的现实意义和实用价值。秘书心理障碍的表现是多......
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