
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-16
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[关键词]秘书; 进谏; 方法 


[Abstract] The ancient examples of plain speaking and plain speaking about the timing Analogy plain speaking of the revelation brought to us, some people experience is summed up according to the ancients, “the ancient words into eight methods”in order to achieve the Secretary of the plain speaking on various occasions to help purposes. Secretary of reality for the solution of the puzzle for plain speaking and plain speaking to the leadership requirements for the secretary, the secretary proposed the direct plain speaking plain speaking, dark bridge, and metaphor plain speaking and other skills and remonstrance of the various methods are prepared, go beyond the art of plain speaking, etc., especially made for pretend offside, to show off the results and other relevant Secretary of the plain speaking of the taboo, the Secretary emphasized the importance of plain speaking ability, and contact the Secretary of the comprehensive study of all aspects of the art of plain speaking, for Secretary of plain speaking can make a better help to achieve better help the Secretary to carry out secretarial work purposes.

[Key words] secretary; plain speaking; method


上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:为解现实中秘书对于进谏的困惑及达到领导对于秘书进谏的要求,提出了秘书进谏的直谏、暗谏、喻谏等各种方法技巧及谏之有备、点到为止等进谏的艺术,尤其是提出了对于妄自越位......
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