
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-24
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[关键词] 钱钟书; 《围城》; 讽刺艺术; 知识分子; 恋爱婚姻


[Abstract]  The siege is Mr.Qian zhongshu’s first novel, and also a thrilling realism irony masterpiece. Qian zhongshu is very capable of Chinese and western culture. In his work of The siege, a lot of western culture and literature allusions are used, which make its profound connotation increasingly deep and more impressed. In this work, the elaborate humor and satirel, numerous wonderful parable, superb psychological description, comic writing style and rich knowledge capacity ,all of these constitute the unique artistic style of the novel. Especially the satire art which is to one's heart's content and really penetrating. Among them, there is the detailed description of marriage and love, the accurate grasp of intellectuals’ personality characteristics and the narrative of the human existence dilemma which is just like the The siege.

   This article explouds the exquisite satire art of the siege meticulously and comprehensively mainly from three aspects, that is the satirical object ,form and style, which means to reveal the ugly face of the Chinese intellectuals at that time and the ills of the society which they live.

[Key words]  Qian Zhongshu; the siege; satiric art; intellectual; marriage metaphor;

上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:本文从《围城》讽刺的对象、讽刺的形式、讽刺的风格三个方面出发,对《围城》精湛的讽刺艺术进行细致的全面的阐述,旨在揭露中国当时部分知识分子的丑恶面目和他们所处社会的......
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