
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-24
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[关键词]对外汉语教学 母语教学 教学法  借鉴


Abstract: This paper discusses the teaching method of teaching Chinese as a foreign language specificity, from the teaching object, teaching contents and teaching method in the development of angle elaborated its particularity. At the same time, attempts from the mother tongue teaching reading and writing, concerned about the life of education training, the repeated acquisition of language and other methods to draw useful experiences for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, try to do what little one can to help the practice and development of law.

Key Words: Teaching Chinese as a foreign language;Language Teaching;Pedagogy ;Correlation



上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:本文从教学法角度探讨了对外汉语教学的特殊性,从教学对象、教学内容和教学法发展的角度阐述其特殊性。同时还尝试从母语教学重视读写、关注生活熏陶训练、反复习得语言等多种......
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