
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-24
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[关键词]:客家话; 古汉语; 梅县; 语音 


[Abstract]:Meizhou is the concentrated settlement where Hakka people live together. Meixian accent is not only the main dialect in Meizhou, but the representation of Hakka dialect. In case of the Meixian accent, this paper studies the relationship of Hakka dialect and the phonetics of ancient Chinese. The main contents of this paper consist three parts. One of them is the reservation of consonants. In this part, I describe the labiodental sound, alveolar sound and Jian & Tuan sounds emphatically. The second part is the reservation of vowels. In this paper, in order to proof that Hakka Dialect has inherited the phonetics of ancient Chinese, I list some dialect facts, which coincide with the ancient Chinese. The last part concerns to the tones. Using the Synchronic description, Diachronic comparison and Historical Comparative Approach, this paper investigates the set of reservations of the entering tone in the ancient Chinese.

[Key words]: Hakka dialect ;  ancient Chinese;  Meixian;  phonetics




上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:本文以广东梅县话为例,考察客家方言与古代汉语语音的源流关系。内容主要包括三个方面:一是声母的保留情况,其中对轻唇音、舌上音以及尖团音进行重点描写。二是韵母的保留情......
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