
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:萌妹 更新时间:2014-03-11
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Abstract: The potential value and shocking effect has been widely recognized brought by outward bound in our training field. In more than ten years of development history, the training as its name in Chinese "development", now has become a kind of product development course education concept and education mode. College education system has given the approval, and applied to related areas. It has become China's leading brand in outdoor experiential education. Investigating its reason, mainly because that the quality training has a positive effect on college students' mental quality effect. It also plays an active role in enhancing students' communicative competence and social adaptation ability. This article mainly aims at discussing the impact quality development training on mental quality, hoping to further improve university students' psychological quality.

Keywords: Quality Development Training; mental quality; Experiential Education


上传会员 萌妹 对本文的描述:广泛阅读了有关教育学、体育与健康课程教学论、定向拓展运动和心理学等多种期刊和书籍,并通过图书馆、互联网等方式查阅大量的国内外有关定向拓展运动方面的资料和科研成果......
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