
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:萌妹 更新时间:2014-03-11
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关键词: 单手 反拍击球  技术要点 训练方法 


Abstract: Since the late 70's the bottom line world of tennis backhand stroke emergence of a group of excellent players, especially in recent years Federer, the use of single-handed backhand to give surprise, many crowned the world's first title. Visible, one-handed backhand backhand technology for the control tactics of great significance to improve the effectiveness of mass destruction and tactical value. One hand backhand stroke in tennis is a Shifenchongyao technology. Through analysis and understanding of its technical characteristics, to take reasonable and effective training methods, so that athletes master the one-handed backhand stroke right technical moves, as the rational use of the technology game and lay a solid foundation. Of Jiangsu province amateur tennis teaching professional and non-tennis professional coach of observation, interviews, found that one-handed backhand play in the teaching of Jiangsu Province, less use of amateur tennis, tennis professional coaches play in single hand backhand of only a few people, which have severely restricted the amateur single-handed backhand in tennis development of the public. In this paper, single-handed tennis backhand stroke in professional groups and the general population is not popular, unpopular status of research and make recommendations accordingly to improve the single-handed backhand to play in amateur tennis teaching for reference.

Key words: single-handed ,backhand stroke ,techniques ,training methods


上传会员 萌妹 对本文的描述:本文针对网球单手反拍击球技术在专业人群和大众人群不普及,不流行现状进行研究,并提出相应的建议,以期为提高单手反拍打法在业余网球教学中的运用提供借鉴。......
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