
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-17
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[Abstract] This essay is Based on the analysis of present situation fitness activity among agricultural population, through the method of literature document, questionnaire, interview method, field investigation, and mathematical analysis, which reveals the development of the rural sports cause in our county is related to the economic development level,farmers’ weak fitness awareness, and the poor fitness facilities, and so on. Therefore, the paper proposes to promote the progress of the construction of rural sports career by the increase of the proportion of the rural sport population, government's expenditure, as well as improvement of the farmer’s consciousness, which will finally contribute to the development of the fitness event joined by the whole people. 

[Keyword] Rural fitness activities、Sport construction、Situation analysis、Suggestions



上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:本文从xx县地域状况、经济发展、农民的健康意识、行为、和价值取向等方面,通过深入细致的调查,客观正确地分析南京郊县农村体育现状,挖掘其中制约农民健身活动的因素,提出解......
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