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资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-23
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Abstract:The convex function is a very important function, its concept first appeared in the Jensen [1905]. It has very wide application in many areas including the pure mathematics and the Applied Mathematics. It has now become the theoretical foundation and the powerful tool of  many subjects including with programming, game theory, mathematical economics, calculus of variations and optimal control. In this paper, we will get some inequalities frome the convex function and solve some mathematical problems using the relation between the convex function and the related inequality, or launch other inequalities by the convex function and inequality. The application of inequality enable us to choose some suitable and convenient methods to solve the related mathematical problems.

Key word: Convex function;Jensen inequality; Holder inequality ;Cauchy  inequality;application 

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:不等式的证明一直是教学中的难点,特别是几个常用的不等式:Jensen不等式,赫尔德不等式,柯西不等式等的理解,证明和应用。本文从凸函数和几种不等式的定义出发,对凸函数在不......
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